On 12/31/05, Gilbert Fernandes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I find that I can't include <net/ethernet.h> when I programming
> > with libnet,because $(CC) complains that "struct ether_addr redefined".
> > But I need some definitions in <net/ethernet.h>,struct ether_header etc.
> > Currently,I just copy the definitions I need from <net/ethernet.h>,but
> > it seems very ugly.Any one has some good ideas?
> Could you show us the include line you use ?
> #include "blabla" and
> #include <blabla>
> will produce very different results as you know :)
> You do use #include <net/ethernet.h> ?
> --
> unzip ; strip ; touch ; grep ; finger ; mount ; fsck ; more ; yes ;
> fsck ; umount ; sleep
Here is my include lines,
#include ......
#include <net/ethernet.h>
#include <pcap.h>
#include <libnet.h>
and this is the error,
$(CC) said "/usr/local/include/./libnet/libnet-headers.h:393: error:
redefinition of `struct ether_addr'"

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