Looks like someone is spamming your DNS server with queries.

Two questions:
1) Is v.tn.co.za a domain that you are authorative for?
2) Are you an ISP and/or is client authorized to use your DNS

If the answer to 1) is NO, then there's no reason for these queries to be
directed to your DNS server from the Internet.
If the answer to 2) is NO, then there's no reason for these queries to be
directed to your DNS server from the Internet.

Source IP filtering is likely your best option, although it doesn't help
with your T1 saturation, although it would give whoever is blasting these
queries a clue.

Matt Emmerton

Thanks Matt,

The answer to both is no. The domain doesn't resolve either (v.tn.co.za). It looks like the source IP changes too...sigh.... I tried a whois on the source IP and it was not found, so it may be spoofed? Or someone has a very messed up server...


Steve Suhre
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