On Sun, 2006-Mar-26 17:50:09 +1030, Greg 'groggy' Lehey wrote:
>In the last month or two I've seen increasing occurrences of programs
>refusing keyboard input after they've been running for a while
>(between hours and days).  They still respond to the mouse.  At first
>I thought it was hardware, but it happens on a number of different
>machines, and only with certain programs, all of them X clients.
>Here's an overview (system names are simply to show that they're
>different machines).

Is the problem that the clients aren't taking focus or have focus
but aren't accepting keyboard input?

My work system runs separate X servers on two heads (rather than
ximerama) and I have problems with windows occasionally refusing to
accept focus after I move the pointer from screen to screen (though I
can get an alternative window to accept focus and then switch back to
the window I originally wanted).  This started after an X.org upgrade
but I'm not sure which one.

>The fact that new firefox windows accept input suggests that it's
>somewhere in X.

What X server?

Peter Jeremy

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