Mike Meyer wrote:
If I do care - for instance, I want to distinguish
between the ethernet interface that's on the internet and the one
that's on my LAN, or I want root to be on the disk with the root file
system on it - then this is a PITA, because every time I add hardware
to the system, or re-arrange the cards in the cage, or similar things,
I risk breaking the system configuration. If the device names are
completely determined by the hardware settings, then this doesn't

I wrote some add-on bits for /etc/rc.network in 4.x that compares the link addresses of attached network interfaces to a list of link addresses, then sets ifconfig_ifN* variables accordingly before rc.network does anything. It provides a means of wiring IP addresses to physical ports in a way that gets around the problem of probe order.

If there's interest, I'll get to work on an rcNG version.

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