>From: Bill Vermillion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

has some
>color vision problem.  Mine is a bit more than others.   Everytime
>I get called to work on a Linux system, I have to go in and disable
>the colors as the reds and other colors become very hard to see
>against a dark background.   The problem is the luminance value of
>colors such a red is quite low compared to others. 

The problem with Linux colors is that they have been
designed to be used on the white background which is
the xterm's default (and which I hate as it's tough
on my eyes). Since I usually use the black background, 
I disable them too.

When I have time and patience to mess around, I set the
LS_COLORS and such variables to the complementary
bitmasks of what they've been, and that fixes the
problem with contrast on the black background.

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