On Sun, Apr 30, 2006 at 10:23:32PM -0500, Eric Anderson wrote:
> Coleman Kane wrote:
> >On Mon, Apr 24, 2006 at 09:45:09AM -0500, Eric Anderson wrote:
> >>Eric Anderson wrote:
> >>
> >>Actually, some other things got changed somewhere in the history, that 
> >>broke some things and assumptions I was making.  This patch has them 
> >>fixed, and I've tested it with all the different options:
> >>
> >>http://www.googlebit.com/freebsd/patches/rc_fancy.patch-9
> >>
> >>It's missing the defaults/rc.conf diffs, but you should already know 
> >>those.
> >>
> >>
> >>Eric
> >>
> >
> >I have a new patch (to 7-CURRENT) of the "fancy_rc" updates.
> >
> >This allows the use of:
> >rc_fancy="YES"        --->  Turns on fancy reporting (w/o color)
> >rc_fancy_color="YES"  --->  Turns on fancy reporting (w/ color), needs
> >                            rc_fancy="YES"
> >rc_fancy_colour="YES" --->  Same as above for you on the other side of
> >                            the pond.
> >rc_fancy_verbose="YES" -->  Turn on more verbose activity messages.
> >                            This will cause what appear to be "false
> >                         positives", where an unused service is
> >                         "OK" instead of "SKIP".
> >
> >You can also customize the colors, the widths of the message
> >brackets (e.g. [   OK   ] vs. [ OK ]), the screen width, and
> >the contents of the message (OK versus GOOD versus BUENO).
> >
> >Also, we have the following message combinations:
> >OK   --->  Universal good message
> >SKIP,SKIPPED ---> Two methods for conveying the same idea?
> >ERROR,FAILED ---> Ditto above, for failure cases
> >
> >Should we just have 3 different messages, rather than 5 messages
> >in 3 categories?
> Yes, that's something that started with my first patch, and never got 
> ironed out.  I think it should be:
> OK
> and possibly also:
> The difference between FAILED and ERROR would be that FAILED means the 
> service did not start at all, and ERROR means it started but had some 
> kind of error response.

FAILED vs ERROR seems confusing.  I'd be inclined toward WARNING vs

-- Brooks

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