On Thu, Jun 15, 2006 at 04:22:40PM -0700, David Wolfskill wrote:
> I had one of these [kernel panics] a couple of weeks ago or so...
> ...[upgrade to -STABLE as of 15 June; repeat panic]...

The message to which I'm replying (posted to -stable) has the
particulars about the panic in question, and the machine in question is
still sitting at the DDB prompt, if anyone wishes to work with me on

But the reason for this message is to report that I upgraded the other
test machines -- identical confguration: 2x3 GHz Xeons w/ 4 GB RAM;
kernel config is called "SMP_PAE_DDB" for a fairly good reason -- to
today's -CURRENT, then started the same test that cause -STABLE to crash
& burn within a couple of minutes.

That was 30 minutes ago; the test is still running on

FreeBSD localhost 7.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 7.0-CURRENT #1: Fri Jun 16 07:28:18 PDT 
2006     [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/SMP_PAE_DDB  i386

As I commented in email to some colleagues, "color me surprised."

I've suggested to the vendor (the program under test on the box is
from a vendor, built under & for FreeBSD 5.x; I'm using the
misc/compat5x port) that they consider trying this themselves, and
perhaps also take advantage of John Birrell's work to date on the
FreeBSD port of DTrace.

I'm still not too keen to run a production workload on a -CURRENT
platform.  I don't know if whatever is causing -CURRENT to keep running
while -STABLE dies is an MFC candidate, but it seems to me that
identifying the salient change(s) would be helpful in figuring that out.

Any suggestions for how to go about doing that?


David H. Wolfskill                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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