On Wed, 2006-Aug-16 15:54:25 -0700, Micah wrote:
>I think you could fake it as follows:
>struct dirent {
>        __uint32_t d_fileno;            /* file number of entry */
>        __uint16_t d_reclen;            /* length of this record */
>        __uint8_t  d_type;              /* file type, see below */
>        __uint8_t  d_namlen;            /* length of string in d_name */
>#define MAXNAMLEN 255
>        char    d_name[MAXNAMLEN + 1];  /* name must be no longer than 
>this */

Macro definitions don't nest so this isn't safe.  Consider some code that

#define MAXNAMLEN       1024
#include <sys/dirent.h>
char    mybuffer[MAXNAMLEN];

Peter Jeremy

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