On Wed, Dec 27, 2006 at 09:27:24PM +0200, Erik Udo wrote:
> How can i make init chroot after executing /etc/rc, and executing 
> /etc/rc again in the chrooted enviroment?
Go look at the NetBSD init(8) that can do this, and bring us
back a patch for this.  Quote from the NetBSD init(8) manpage:

:  2.   Multi-user boot (default operation).  Executes /etc/rc (see rc(8)).
:       If this was the first state entered (as opposed to entering here
:       after state 1), then /etc/rc will be invoked with its first argument
:       being `autoboot'.  If /etc/rc exits with a non-zero (error) exit
:       code, commence single user operation by giving the super-user a
:       shell on the console by going to state 1 (single user).  Otherwise,
:       proceed to state 3.
:       If value of the ``init.root'' sysctl node is not equal to / at this
:       point, the /etc/rc process will be run inside a chroot(2) indicated
:       by sysctl with the same error handling as above.

Ruslan Ermilov
FreeBSD committer

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