In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, xoundmind  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Please excuse my noob status...I would like some assistance with installing
>the wpi-freebsd driver on a 6_2 Release setup. Please feel free to be a
>specific as possible, as I suspect there are many others who wish to get
>this working (and are not used to applying "non-standard" drivers.)

What have you tried so far, and how is it failing?

Steve Watt KD6GGD  PP-ASEL-IA          ICBM: 121W 56' 57.5" / 37N 20' 15.3"
 Internet: steve @ Watt.COM                      Whois: SW32-ARIN
   Free time?  There's no such thing.  It just comes in varying prices...
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