Quoting Julian Stacey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (from Tue, 27 Mar 2007 18:16:27 +0200):

From:           "ajay gopalakrishnan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Is FreeBSD restricting  non-students from not  taking up any project that is
'suitable for summer of code'?

No. This markup was only done to allow students which want to participate in the SoC to see which ideas are _not_ suitable as a SoC project. When the rating of the submissions is done and projects are taken by students, we will update the ideas page accordingly.

For eg.
I was planning to take up the 'super tunnel daemon' project some time back.
I had done some initial work but now i find that it has also been marked as
'Suitable for summer of code'. I am no longer a student. I am working
currently at a firm. So i dont think that i will be eligible for the summer
of code. Can i still take up the project or am i forced to take up those
that are not marked as 'suitable for summer of code'?
Also, if someone has taken a summer of code project can no-one else take it
up as a normal project to contribute to FreeBSD ?

As long as there's no interdependency created between you and the student, I see no technical reason to not collaborate. I suggest to talk with the technical contact of the project about it.

FYI: There is at least one submission out of ~90 for the super tunnel daemon. IIRC maybe 2. There's no decission made if this project will be selected or not. I try to remember to attach a note to the corresponding applications in the rating interface that you are interested in this project and that a mentor should get in contact with you in case it is selected for the SoC. Feel free to ask me about it at the weekend to make sure I did not forget to add the note.

No can stop anyone working; Be a shame though if 2 people work &
one's effort was not used.   I suppose as SoC deadline was yesterday
it'll take a while for google to publish their sponsoring list.

It's the deadline for submissions from students. Now we (mentors) have to rate the proposals. There may even be students which get selected somewhere else in the SoC and prefer to work for another organisation instead for us. So we don't know at this point which projects will be taken by students.

At http://code.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=60325&topic=10729 you can see the timeline. The official announcement of accepted students (and the corresponding proposals) is scheduled for April 11.

If 2 people develope same thing: whose code will be commited will
I suppose be decided on which arrives first &/or seems best code,
hopefully independent of status of author eg student V. independent.

I'm sure any judgment will be made based upon quality.


It is not good for a man to be without knowledge,
and he who makes haste with his feet misses his way.
                -- Proverbs 19:2

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