Pieter de Goeje 写道:
I think your patch looks good, however there have been some changes to ftpd since 6.1. Also, since lukemftp is imported from NetBSD, you might want to contact the original author so future imports won't discard this new feature.
Original author of lukemftp? I never used that software before, but would be glad to try as next option and see if I can patch that too. You already discovered (by checking my patch) I am a C newbie who only wish to solve his own problem at hand...
On Monday 16 April 2007, Zhang Weiwu wrote:
                        family = (family == AF_INET) ? AF_UNSPEC :
AF_INET6; break;
+               case '8':
+                       utf8_mode = 1;
Add missing break statement here?
Yes. A break is missing:)
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