Ivan Voras wrote:
- A quick test confirms that the current bsdtar will happily ignore any
extra data at the end of a tgz/tbz archive, so package metadata can be
embedded there, thus conserving existing infrastructure...

Not a good idea at all.

1) Keeping everything within the archive makes it
   possible for people to do surgery on the packages.
   Being able to extract/modify/rebuild packages
   using just tar makes it much easier to debug and
   experiment with new techniques.

2) The existing metadata format is not very pretty,
   but it can be reasonably extended.  (Personally,
   I don't find XML very pretty, either. ;-)

3) As DES pointed out, the package tools must be able
   to read the metadata before the files.  If you really
   need a completely separate metadata file, make it
   the second file in the archive.

Tim Kientzle
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