On Sun, May 13, 2007 at 09:21:56PM +0100, Thomas Sparrevohn wrote:
> Well - Naturally if the only index format was based upon XML it would not be
> very practical -
> However XML currently seems to take the lead when the talk is on portability
> as a data format 
> and it is very easy to convert to "Pure Text" - There seems to be a bias
> towards SNMP MIB format
> generally in FreeBSD e.g. sysctl etc. which has even worse drawbacks 
> But as I said - I very much doubt that the format of the INDEX file and the
> on disk package db
> structure is the most burning issue for ports - I am sure that there are
> optimisations that could improve
> the current performance without having to change the structure into SQL - If
> however that is the target
> then XML would be a significantly better candidate because a proper XML
> schema can be used as a 
> middle layer for all the tools - regardless the storage structure of the
> package db etc. - 
> If we introduced a proper abstraction - then people can use SQL/ flat files
> / existing structures
> But the tools we still only need one common interface to XML

FYI, "Using XML" and other buzzword-compliance is not currently on the
table either.  Let's all try to maintain some focus, OK?

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