Patrick Tracanelli wrote:
Fredrik Lindberg wrote:
This is _exactly_ the same device as you have been using in the past
with ?

No, not the same hardware, but same model/chipset.

Because if you try to use it with an unsupported device you'll get
the "unable to attach" message.

Its a 0x2016 device from 0x0483 vendor. This is the only thing that is
"the same" as the previously used device.

Since the binary is built on top of libusb you can turn on debugging
in libusb by setting the environment variable USB_DEBUG (the larger
value the more verbose debugging).

Goood hint,thank you.

Here is what I get:

# bbdm -b "{5550454b-2054-464d-2f45-535320425350}" -m filedb -c eksffa ; echo $?
usb_set_debug: Setting debugging level to 3 (on)
usb_os_find_busses: Found /dev/usb0
usb_os_find_busses: Found /dev/usb1
usb_os_find_busses: Found /dev/usb2
usb_os_find_busses: Found /dev/usb3
usb_os_find_busses: Found /dev/usb4
usb_os_find_devices: Found /dev/ugen1 on /dev/usb2

Ok, then at least it's talking to the device. I had a user who had about
the same problem as you, it turned out that the particular device he
was using wasn't supported by the driver, when he tried another device
everything worked as expected. I can't seem to find his usb vendor,
device pair though.

If I remember correctly, only supports TCD41 swipe

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