On Mon, Jun 25, 2007 at 08:40:12AM +0300, Abdullah Ibn Hamad Al-Marri wrote:
>  On 6/25/07, Martin Turgeon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I recently installed AMD64 6.2 Release on 2 PowerEdge servers, both with
> > dual core Xeon (3070 and 5110). I noticed when I was updating the
> > sources that it was compiling as an Athlonxp by default. I was wondering
> > if I should change the CPUTYPE in make.conf to something else. I read at
> > some places that it is not recommended because it could cause problems
> > but I thought it would be interesting to start the debate here. Please
> > note that I would prefer not to go with the -STABLE or -CURRENT branch
> > because these a going to be essential productions servers.
> >
> > Thank you for your opinions,
> >
> > Martin
>  Since I use FreeBSD 7.0 AMD64 which is stable now and it's frozen for
>  making RELENG_7  I didn't set the CPUTYPE in the make.conf , so I
>  wonder how come you got athlon-xp cpu arch and I didn't see GCC 4.2
>  doing it in my server.
>  -- 
>  Regards,
>  -Abdullah Ibn Hamad Al-Marri
>  Arab Portal
>  http://www.WeArab.Net/

Used when compiling lib32 shim libraries, I guess.


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