
Peter Jeremy wrote:
On 2007-Aug-22 12:13:48 +0400, sam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Minimum system requirements:
- Kernel 2.6, configured for 1000Hz tick and other low latency settings

FreeBSD currently only emulates kernel 2.4.  Kernel 2.6 is a SoC project.

Take a look at /usr/ports/UPDATING : 20070327:
 AFFECTS: users of emulators/linux_base-fc6

 ATTENTION! The port is experimental for now. Use it at your own risk. This
 port may be used only with 7-CURRENT and compat.linux.osrelease=2.6.16.

So it's not just a SoC project :)


Best Wishes,
Stefan Lambrev
ICQ# 24134177

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