
I have ported the workaround for the hardware bug that causes data
corruption on Promise SATA300 TX4 cards to RELENG_7.

Bug description:
SATA300 TX4 hardware chokes if last PRD entry (in a dma transfer) is
larger than 164 bytes. This was found while analysing vendor-supplied
linux driver.

Split trailing PRD entry if it's larger that 164 bytes.

Two supplied patches do fix problem on my machine.

There is, however, a style problem with them. It seems like PRD entry
count is limited at 256. I have not found a good way to guarantee that
one entry is always available to do the split, thus the ugly solution of
patching ata-dma.c.

Patches, patched and original files are at http://lxnt.info/tx4/freebsd/.

--- ata-chipset.c.orig  2007-11-02 01:05:49.000000000 +0300
+++ ata-chipset.c       2007-11-02 01:05:49.000000000 +0300
@@ -142,6 +142,7 @@
 static int ata_promise_mio_command(struct ata_request *request);
 static void ata_promise_mio_reset(device_t dev);
 static void ata_promise_mio_dmainit(device_t dev);
+static void ata_promise_mio_dmasetprd(void *xsc, bus_dma_segment_t
*segs, int nsegs, int error);
 static void ata_promise_mio_setmode(device_t dev, int mode);
 static void ata_promise_sx4_intr(void *data);
 static int ata_promise_sx4_command(struct ata_request *request);
@@ -185,7 +186,6 @@
 static int ata_check_80pin(device_t dev, int mode);
 static int ata_mode2idx(int mode);

  * generic ATA support functions
@@ -3759,8 +3759,44 @@
 static void
 ata_promise_mio_dmainit(device_t dev)
+    struct ata_channel *ch = device_get_softc(dev);
     /* note start and stop are not used here */
+    if (ch->dma)
+       ch->dma->setprd = ata_promise_mio_dmasetprd;
+static void
+ata_promise_mio_dmasetprd(void *xsc, bus_dma_segment_t *segs, int
nsegs, int error)
+    #define PDC_MAXLASTSGSIZE 41*4
+    struct ata_dmasetprd_args *args = xsc;
+    struct ata_dma_prdentry *prd = args->dmatab;
+    int i;
+    if ((args->error = error))
+       return;
+    for (i = 0; i < nsegs; i++) {
+       prd[i].addr = htole32(segs[i].ds_addr);
+       prd[i].count = htole32(segs[i].ds_len);
+    }
+    if (segs[i - 1].ds_len > PDC_MAXLASTSGSIZE) {
+       /*
+       printf("splitting trailing PRD of %ld (limit %d)\n", segs[i -
+       */
+       prd[i - 1].count = htole32(segs[i - 1].ds_len - PDC_MAXLASTSGSIZE);
+       prd[i].count = htole32(PDC_MAXLASTSGSIZE);
+       prd[i].addr = htole32(segs[i - 1].ds_addr + PDC_MAXLASTSGSIZE);
+       i ++;
+       nsegs ++;
+    }
+    prd[i - 1].count |= htole32(ATA_DMA_EOT);
+    args->nsegs = nsegs;

 static void

--- ata-dma.c.orig      2007-11-02 01:05:53.000000000 +0300
+++ ata-dma.c   2007-11-02 01:05:53.000000000 +0300
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
                           ch->dma->max_address, BUS_SPACE_MAXADDR,
                           NULL, NULL, ch->dma->max_iosize,
-                          ATA_DMA_ENTRIES, ch->dma->segsize,
+                          ATA_DMA_ENTRIES - 1, ch->dma->segsize,
                           0, NULL, NULL, &ch->dma->data_tag))
        goto error;


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