Hey David,

(I'm Cc'ing this reply to hackers@ with David's consent.)

On Sat, Nov 24, 2007 at 11:31:24PM -0800, David Leslie wrote:
> Have an Intel ITX size board (D201GLY2) with a SiS 900
> NIC, which supports WOL and has a WOL-enabled FreeBSD
> driver, but does not actually wake after powering down
> (ACPI S5) from FreeBSD. Have verified that WOL works
> using ethtool in Linux.
> Am not a BSD user, but am attracted to the FreeNAS
> project which has recently integrated your WOL patch
> (hopefully a recent version).

The sis driver supports at least two different types
of cards.

What does dmesg print for your card? I have only one type of
NIC the sis driver supports and have only implemented support
for this one:

sis0: <NatSemi DP8381[56] 10/100BaseTX> port 0xac00-0xacff mem
sis0: Silicon Revision: DP83816A

> From userspace it
> appears ready to set the NIC to wake (i.e. ifconfig
> returns "will wake on: magic"), but the system ignores
> magic packets and does not wake from FreeBSD.

If the card type isn't a DP83815 or DP83816, this is a bug.
The driver should not let you configure cards for WOL
it has no support for.

> Have verified that there is no reconfiguration of the
> adapter as part of the FreeNAS shutdown scripts. I see
> that your patch integrates changes to this driver, so
> maybe you might have seen the issue on other
> platforms? Any ideas where to look as a next step--
> would appear to be something in if_sis that is not
> working on this board?

There are many things that can go wrong with WOL.

Here's a quick checklist (the first three are probably
not causing your problem because you've verified that
WOL works with Linux):

Is the WOL cable plugged in properly (if needed)?

Are BIOS WOL settings OK?

Is ACPI enabled (in BIOS and OS)?

Have you used "shutdown -p" to shut down the box?
Using "shutdown -h" or "halt" and then turning the
power off might not work (at least I've never tried this...)

Does the card enter D3 sleep mode properly after the box
shuts down, i.e. does a NIC LED stay on after shutdown?

Do "wake" packets (e.g. magic packets) actually reach the box?
To find out, I do:
  while true; do wol -h <mac addr>; sleep 1; done
and then if the box doesn't wake up I look at the NIC LEDS to
check for periodic blinking of the tx/rx LED.
Adjust the broadcast IP address to your network of course.

Hope this helps,
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