Hash: SHA1

Bernd Walter wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 20, 2007 at 05:48:18PM -0500, Chuck Robey wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> I've lost the printing of all of th e messages you normally see, when you are
>> booting yoiur machine (you know, mostly probe messages.  I used to see them 
>> on
>> this box. When I made my first kernel, I had begun (obviously, as we all do)
>> with GENERIC as a base, but changing the first loaders.hints and the kernel,
>> that's the last I saw of booting messages.
>> To illustrate what I *do* see, I watch the first character of that little
>> spiller, but only the very first char, because that's when it stops working,
>> right after sicking the first char.  Thbe nest thing I see, maybe 30 seconds
>> later, is a Login: request.
> Sounds like your console is configured to a different device.
> Maybe it is configured to serial while you are waiting on vga.
>> Any notion what I could do to get my booting messages back?
> Switch the console to the device you are looking at.
> You can easily check the configured console by running conscontrol.
> Maybe you've lost the device hint for your console device to flag
> it as beeing a possible console candidate.

OK, when I run conscontrol, it tells me I am using the dcons console.  I
looked at the man page for concontrol (and I've been gone from FreeBSD so
long, I wasn't even awaare of conscontrol at all) and it informed me I am
using the dcons device.  I am not aware of any others, I was hoping that if
there were such, there would be references to them in either the dcons or
conscontrol man pages, but no lock.  Is dcons good enough?  You understand I
would be ecstatic if it wasn't 9and if I could set it to something else, and
thereby get my booting  messages back.)  I checked my kernel config file, it
does indeed list the dcons device.

Have any other ideas, I'm really listening here.

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