On Jan 17, 2008 10:24 AM, Yuri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I tried to record sound from microphone and only getting errors.
> During startup my soundcard is recognized as:
> pcm0: <Creative EMU10K1> port 0xdc00-0xdc1f irq 17 at device 6.0 on pci0
> pcm0: <TriTech TR28602 AC97 Codec>
> pcm0: [ITHREAD]
> When I am trying to record with rawrec-0.9.991:
> /usr/local/bin/rawrec file
> I am getting an error:
> /usr/local/bin/rawrec: read syscall of dsp device failed: Invalid argument
> And dmesg gets a new record:
> pcm0:record:dsp0.r1: record interrupt timeout, channel dead
> Should I file a PR?

i believe you should search the PRs first:  i have a vague memory of
seeing a report on this before.


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