On 2008-01-22 22:34, Bruce R. Montague wrote:
> Hi, I wrote the geode audio driver for the CS5530
> (found at the mentioned link), a good while back,
> I think for FreeBSD 4.x.
> This week is the first time I've received any feedback
> on this driver, a couple of pings along the line of
> the above. I honestly hadn't realized anybody was
> using it (I guess that's the problem with it working).
> If there was a thread last february, I must have
> missed it. I dont think I've ever seen the soundsystem
> wiki. 


My googling may be mistaken about a thread last February.

> I would try to fix/upgrade this driver if I had any
> hardware with a CS5536, but I don't. That said, can
> anyone recomend a cheap system that includes the
> CS5536, is generally available, doesn't cost very
> much and can be used as a minimal dev platform?
> (Surely all the OLPC work has made some interesting
> such systems available?) Or would anyone want to
> donate a "free" current AMD Geode reference
> platform? :)

The specific device I'm targeting is a "koolu",
http://www.koolu.com.  Nice Canadians, $200 US for a unit without a
drive.  Very linuxy.  Unfortunately, it has no serial ports, so
debugging is pretty limited.  I can donate network access to one,
and can loan you one for the duration of your work on it.  If you
want network access, email me an ssh key off-list, or if you want
one to put your hands on, email me an address off-list.

> Even with hardware, it would probably be at least
> a month before I had time to look at it. Someone
> who knew FreeBSD drivers could probably fix it in
> a few compiles, if 5536 device-specific initialization
> is the problem.

Beggars can't be choosers, so any time you donate to this project
would be appreciated by me anyway.

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