sam wrote:
> hi all
> description of my trouble:
> on 6.3-RELEASE i386
> -------------------------------------------
> Clearing /tmp (X related).
> Starting local daemons:.
> Updating motd.
> Mounting late file systems:.
> Starting mysql.
> Starting apache.
> mysql already running? (pid=8720).
> apache already running? (pid=8721).
> Configuring syscons: keymap keyrate scrnmap blanktime.
> Starting sshd.
> Starting cron.
> Local package initialization:Starting NONE
> Starting NONE
> .
> -------------------------------------------
> services apache, mysql & shell-script is double started
> tryed on 6.3-STABLE i386 - normal work
> any solution?

Maybe a reboot after crash, & old PID files were existant.
Check if repeatable.
Do a clean reboot, & see if it repeats.
If it repeats, insert lines like
        ps -laxww | grep httpd > /tmp/before
        ps -laxww | grep httpd > /tmp/after
at top & bottem of /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ to debug.

Julian Stacey.  BSD Unix Linux Net Consultant, Munich.
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