
Kris Kennaway wrote:
Kris Kennaway wrote:

Fixing all of the above I can send at about 13MB/sec (timecounter is not relevant any more). The CPU is spending about 75% of the time in the kernel, so
             that is the next place to look. [hit send too soon]

Actually 15MB/sec once I disable all kernel debugging. This is identical to Linux 2.6.24 on the same hardware. The patch I use to fix hping brain-damage is attached.

Indeed this patch highly improve results (x2) under FreeBSD. On my hardware the max speeds under FreeBSD i still little slower compared to Linux (something like 19 vs 19.5 MB/s) but the speed is quite more stable under FreeBSD (under linux the average speed seems slower)

I didn't tested the patch under linux but will do soon.
Thanks for the help :)

BTW 262144 is little high as this match the default value in FreeBSD, I tested with twice smaller buffer and do not see performance lost. Kris if you do not mind I'll write to hping developers to adopt this patch, and if no response from them I can try to reach the port maintainer, so we have this patched in ports?


Best Wishes,
Stefan Lambrev
ICQ# 24134177

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