On Thu, 21 Feb 2008, sam wrote:

i am using OpenBSM on System with jails

part of praudit output / action write file in jail

header,176,10,open(2) - write,creat,trunc,0,Thu Feb 21 13:45:06 2008, + 501 msec,argument,3,0x81ed,mode,argument,2,0x601,flags,path,//site/svn/dev.lineage2.dom/pamm/hooks/post-commit,attribute,755,www,www,88,800911,3234053,subject,lynx,root,wheel,root,wheel,44680,44668,56876,,return,success,4,trailer,176,

please add jail-identification in output (cat /dev/auditpipe | praudit -lp)


I believe Christian has plans to use the Solaris "zone" BSM token to this end, as well as plans to enhance our support for hostid header fields so that when audit trails are aggregated from many sources, they can be processed with awareness of which source they came from. I've added him to the CC line, and he may be able to expand on this.

Robert N M Watson
Computer Laboratory
University of Cambridge

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