I recently made a couple of calls like the following

// currently in /x/y/z

chdir( "/x/y" );
rmdir( "/x/y/z" );

When I did at "gwd" call, it returned "/x/y/z" along with ENOTDIR.
Is this a known issue?

I'm making low-level (assembly) calls via int 0x80 to do the above (not C 
stdlib), though I can't imagine that's causing the problem (then again, I've 
written broken code before :-(, this wouldn't be the first time I've messed up, 
though I have studied the code very closely and the same function calls work 
fine in other contexts).

Thanks for any input,
Randy Hyde
P.S. I noticed that the man pages said something about using open on "." and 
fchdir to more robustly switch back to some previous directory; this is what 
has me wondering if there is a problem with executing statements like the above.

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