On Sun, Apr 20, 2008 at 12:02:09PM +0300, emily becker wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a question about symbol table.
> One of the section In symbol table is memory adress which symbol is located.
> I wonder if this memory adress is bound at run-time or compile-time?

It depends.  Symbols referring to objects in a dynamically loaded library
will be bound at run-time, the rest should be bound at compile-time.

> if it is compile-time, I don't understand how do we know whether the symbol
> is located this adress.
> Maybe this adress is already bound by other process or like this.

Each process runs in its own address space, and therefore the compiler
(actually: the linker) can know exactly where in this address space things
will end up.

(The above is true for FreeBSD and just about all other Unix-derived
systems.  Other systems can do things differently.)

<Insert your favourite quote here.>
Erik Trulsson
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