On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 1:30 AM, Bernard van Gastel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Op 23 apr 2008, om 08:50 heeft Mike Meyer het volgende geschreven:
> > On Tue, 22 Apr 2008 22:40:21 -0700
> > "Garrett Cooper" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >  Hi all,
> > >    I made an oops in a program, which uncovered "feature" in strdup(2)
> > > that I wasn't aware of before. So I was wondering, is strdup(pointer =
> > > NULL)
> > > supposed to segfault should this just return NULL and set errno?
> > >
> >
> > Yes, it's supposed to segfault. Check out what, say, strcpy does if
> > you ask it to copy a NULL pointer. And this is an improvement from the
> > bad old days, when they would happily walk through memory starting at
> > 0.....
> >
> I don't like it this way. I would like:
> strdup(NULL) = NULL
> strdup(string) = copy of string
> strcpy(NULL, NULL) = NULL
> strcpy(s1, NULL) = ERROR
> strcpy(NULL, s2) = NULL (with s2 unchanged)
> strcpy(s1, s2) = normal
> But I am not sure of the implications. Maybe in some situation it is
> bad... Anyone?
> > Besides, errno is used to signal errors from system calls. strdup
> > isn't a system call, it's a library function (says so at the top of
> > the man page).
> >
> But strdup uses malloc, which is a system call (from the strdup manual: If
> insufficient memory is available, NULL is returned and errno is set to
> Regards,
>        Bernard
I was more concerned about the fact that there wasn't any documentation that
said something -- either implicitly or explicitly -- that strdup(NULL)
causes a segfault.

Of course I did some more research after you guys gave me some replies and
realized I'm not the first person to bumble across this fact, but I haven't
found FreeBSD or Linux documentation supporting that errata. It was harmless
in my tiny program, but I would hate to be someone adding that assumption to
a larger project with multiple threads and a fair number of lines...



PS I'm as much against POLA changes as the next guy. I just don't like
shooting myself in the foot too terribly much :).
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