On Sat, May 31, 2008 at 12:49:53PM -0400, John Baldwin wrote:
> On Saturday 31 May 2008 01:52:56 am Tz-Huan Huang wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Our nfs server is running 7-stable/amd64 with 8G ram, the size of zfs
> > pool is 12T. We have set vm.kmem_size and vm.kmem_size_max to
> > 1.5G, but the kernel still panics by "kmem_map too small" often.
> > According to [1], the limitation is not only by the loader (is it fixed
> > now?) but also by the default layout of KVM. [2] points a way to increase
> > the KVM, but we get the similar linking error.
> >
> > Is there any standard way to modify the layout of KVM? For example, we
> > may want to set KVM to 6G and leave the 2G for user space usage.
> On i386 you only have 4GB of virtual address space period.  For amd64 you can 
> jack up KVM just fine AFAIK.  The mcmodel=kernel stuff should only affect 
> global variables (so .data and .bss) and not malloc'd stuff.  Have you tried 
> increasing the KVM size and seeing what happens?

I believe the module memory is malloc'ed, isn't it ?

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