Andres Chavez wrote:
Hi, a friend is challenge me to make use of 3 different connections (one
adsl, one cable, and one Evdo) as one single connection to internet, i
believe for make faster downloads or something such, its that can be
possible ?, if so, can anybody help me with this?, this sounds interesting
for know tricks on the FreeBSD operating system, he need to use this box as
the network manager and firewall as well, but the connection thing its
killing me i dont know how.
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do you have a place ountside in the internet that can be used to
recobine these three streams?
generally if you want to trunk multiple pipes you need to control both
ends, if not immediatly, then at least some palce a few hops where
tunnels can be terminated and recombined..
I have used mpd for this, but it really dpends on what EXACTLY you
consider to be "success".
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