On Tue, 15 Jul 2008, Tim Clewlow wrote:

Can you please cc: the mailinglist? Thanks.

-On [20080714 15:36], Andres Chavez ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
postfix/postfix-script: warning: not owned by group maildrop:

postfix/postfix-script: warning: not set-gid or not
executable: /usr/sbin/postdrop

postfix/postfix-script: starting the Postfix mail system.

I would suggest:

0) clean your system from your botched attempt at installing postfix
1) read
2) install postfix from ports/mail/postfix

And take it from there?

Hi there,

I have attached the notes I gathered while making the postfix server
that is sending you this mail. In particular, pay attention to the
bit that says:

As part of the installation the port asks if it could add user
"postfix" to group "mail", I advise answering yes. It also offers to
activate postfix in /etc/mail/mailer.conf, again answer yes.

Not sure what the issue is other than what has already been suggested. However, Postfix can fix permission/owner-ship on its own files by doing:

  postfix set-permissions

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