On Thu, Jul 24, 2008 at 10:34 PM, Frank Mayhar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> My old Dell Inspiron 5160 has developed problems that I can't fix, sigh,
> so it's time to replace it.  I'm hoping for some good suggestions from
> this list (cc'd to hackers for the exposure, I know everyone doesn't
> read -mobile).
> My criteria:
>      * 3D acceleration.
>      * MiniPCI wireless (don't care which card, I'll replace it
>        anyway).
>      * At least 15" screen.
>      * Decent power consumption.
>      * Plays well with FreeBSD 7-stable.
> Nice to have:
>      * Dual core.
>      * >4GB memory.
>      * Working suspend/hibernate mode (and no, I'm not holding my
>        breath).
> So, suggestions?  BTW, if I get a decent response I'll summarize it for
> the list, along with the one I chose and my experience after
> ordering/installing it.

If cost is not a big problem, then IBM/Lenovo Thinkpad Series (I prefer
T-series) is the best from my past experiences. And you may check following
articles for further tips/advices:


and off-course, freebsd-mobile archive:

Thank you.

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