Am 07.08.2008 um 08:31 schrieb Michael B Allen:
mean the whole Unix runlevel rc.d apparatus in general is decrepit.

Hi, Jordan! 8-)

There should be a library to install, start, stop, restart, uninstall,
disable, enable, change order of services and also change the
runlevel. And then there should be a very small utility that calls the
library to invoke the desired operations from the commandline and from

As I'm having my daily struggles with launchd on Mac OS Servers
(subsystems like lpd being turned of by mechanisms unknown to me,
orphaned processes being unceremoniously eaten by launchd without
any good reasons) the dream of having one tool instead of init, cron,
inetd and the rest of that gang has turned into more work. As
I'm also have an allergy against AIX since I came into contact with SMIT
for the first time: Be careful what you're asking for, you might
really get it.

If the library and corresponding utility are implemented
correctly, the format of the file containing service state should be
moot since no one will ever look at it

Besides in emergencies. That's also the time where the tools you would
urgently need to repair something aren't working because the system isn't
completely up and running. Believe me: Editing XML using ed isn't that

(which is to say dbm or some
other binary-blob format should be used since it makes programming the
said library much cleaner).

Who cares for the programmer? 8-)

But I just made that up. Of course such things are never as simple as
they sound the first time around.

It's worse. Things that are looking great on paper often turn out
to be a nightmare when you have to deal with it. And things like

"I still intend on writing a plist format (the non-XML one) parser to
incorporate into the code base [...]" on
are scaring me even more (the only thing that makes .plists in binary
format bearable is the fact that they can be transformed into XML and
dealt with reasonable tools).


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