Volker wrote:
On 12/23/-58 20:59, Evren Yurtesen wrote:

As far as I can see, there is no continuous backup solution for FreeBSD
at the moment. I talked with R1Soft and they seem to not be able to
support FreeBSD and need help.

Does anybody have free time and skills to give a hand? Please see:

Quoting the thread:
and they are usually very busy... and they like to work for hire.

Wrong term: Even open source folks need something for living. That's too
cheap and I don't suggest supporting a company like this, as they're
expecting somebody else to do their job and make profit of it.

They're free to use a system like FreeBSD for their products, they're
free to modify and redistribute it but they need to do their job and
don't expect anybody else to code for them for free.

I agree, perhaps whoever can help than can ask for money for the job done and I am sure they would pay reasonably since this is a commercial company. But as far as I can see people here do not even know the difference between near continous backup and mirroring. I just wanted to inform that there is such solutions nowadays available but FreeBSD users are not able to take advantage of them and the company who is making the product is interested in supporting FreeBSD but perhaps somebody who has experience can give some hints to them. They actually do not think that it is an easy job to adapt their software to support FreeBSD even. See this post:

Next quote of thread:
real world competency writing block device drivers for FreeBSD

Let me check that out...
%ls -l /dev | grep ^b

Well, I guess, nobody is able to do so and it's noted in the handbook or
in GNN's "The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD operating
system". A good read.

You can go ahead and explain it to r1soft or any other software company which makes near continuous backup solutions. So maybe they can find this information and improve their product. So far at least this company thinks that this is impossible to do with FreeBSD as far as I can tell.

I know people who want to switch to using FreeBSD but cant do that
because their backup solution (R1Soft) does not support FreeBSD :(

What's wrong with solutions like Bacula? It's working, cross platform,
well supported.

Do you know what is near continuous backup solution or ever heard of such technologies? I dont see how you can compare this with Bacula. They are not the same thing really. I can tell you one thing which is wrong with Bacula, it scans the whole filesystem everytime it takes a backup even incremental backups (while this disk io loading operation is unnecessary with CDP), and Bacula cant restore your data to what there was 10 minutes ago at any time of the day.

And now, go ahead and flame me for not doing work for free for other
peoples profit but I'm pretty sure there won't be much guys wanting to
do that.

There is nothing to flame or blame really. I can only blame my own stupidity. I posted this information here in hopes that somebody capable can give some hints to r1soft or to another near continuous backup solution so we could all benefit.

But what do I get? All I get is information about solutions which mirror / replicate the data or suggestions of standard backup programs. I am not even surprised that FreeBSD is not supported. FreeBSD users do not even know the difference between a CDP solution or mirroring / replication or traditional backup... Go figure... If you dont know what is CDP then please read and learn (there are links to wikipedia articles in this address also)

I never told that anybody should make the software ready for selling by another company for free, neither the post in the thread is asking for somebody to write a driver for free. The company obviously understands that such job requires an expert who works for money. They probably wouldnt mind if somebody wrote it for free to them (who wouldnt) but it doesnt say that they wouldnt pay. If you can do the job, please contact the company and give your price. If they tell that they want it done for free, then come and complain that they want it done for free.

I am sorry if I was a little bit out of line here but a simple question became an unnecessary debate really. It was more or less a yes or no question :)

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