On 23.03-10:20, Boris Kochergin wrote:
[ ... ]
> Well, bumping it does get rid of messages like:
> Mar 22 20:44:26 hydrogen sshd[96152]: getgrouplist: groups list too small
> Mar 22 20:44:26 hydrogen sshd[96152]: fatal: initgroups: [user]: Invalid 
> argument

yes, that's great but you may be surprised to learn that it doesn't
actually solve your problem.  i think (and without looking
specifically at the impact my even be confident enough to say
definately) if you get a groups list it will only be cropped and the
error message is being erroneously avoided, not corrected.  i'd also
suggest that you may be opening up your system to some overflows
although, generally, the code sections use the same limits and so
you might get away with it.

[ ... ]
> I'd love to see a resolution to this other than having to recompile the 
> kernel. Let me know if I can help things along somehow.

if you can grab my patch, confirm it builds for you and that it doesn't
crash your system , that would be a big help.  unfortunately i was
going to test it on my xen box only to discover that it doesn't work
with amd64 yet.  i'm currently coding blind and am not a good
programmer so this is bad[tm].

if you can do this and are happy to run a few further tests after that
then i'll be sure to put some heat under the rest of the process and
get the group limits removed correctly.

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