On Thu, 14 May 2009, Adrian Chadd wrote:
> 2009/5/14 Josef Grosch <jgro...@mooseriver.com>:
> > I don't need 2d & 3d acceleration. I just need a card that will
> > handle WindowMaker on a 24 inch Dell monitor at 1920x1200 and as
> > long as the flesh tones on my JPGs don't suck I'm happy.
> >
> > Thanks for the advice. I guess I'm going to make a trip to Fry's
> > Friday.
> I've experienced no-acceleration radeon driver "desktop" under Ubuntu
> and FreeBSD; let me please point out how sluggish and horribly slow
> it is.

Depends how unaccelerated it is.

VESA is pretty damn slow, but even minimal radeon/radeonhd support is 
fast enough for desktop use.

> I gave up trying to get accelerated 3d + dualhead support on the
> card(s) I was using - apparently the hardware just didn't do a single
> viewport span across 2 1280x1024 screens :(
> (The max viewport width was 2048 pixels..)
> 2d acceleration may be a must for that kind of resolution..

If you have a fast CPU & decent pipe to video memory it isn't necessary, 
but very nice.

Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer
for Genesis Software - http://www.gsoft.com.au
"The nice thing about standards is that there
are so many of them to choose from."
  -- Andrew Tanenbaum
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