On Wed, 22 Jul 2009 19:05:47 +0300, Kostik Belousov <kostik...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I know some ports using "USE_GCC" knob of /usr/ports/Mk/bsd.gcc.mk .
>> Is this the same as you suggest?
> No. And this was actually not my idea.
> The proposal is to have portmgr-selected and approved version of gcc,
> installed from port and used to build ports. The base (g)cc is used
> only to build base.
> Such divorce seems to be beneficial both to base compiler, and for
> ports.

ISTR this is what pkgsrc does.  It isn't a very bad idea, and it may
give ports/ a bit of freedom about the version of the compiler they can
use for special OPTIONS= items like SSE instruction optimizations and
so on.

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