
> > I found a similar PR
> > http://www.mail-archive.com/freebsd-hackers@freebsd.org/msg70510.html
> Hm thats my post, wrong link? :)

Indeed. I copied the wrong URL from my mail to
mav. The PR is at

This here would match my theory:
>> cdrecord: Input/output error. test unit ready: scsi sendcmd: cmd timeout 
>> after 40.010 (40) s
>> CDB: 00 00 00 00 00 00
because the command is sent especially to see
whether any eventual error condition is gone.
It should get a reply within milliseconds.

> > and bothered mav for instructions how to upgrade
>  That's also documented in the handbook, starting with `24.5.2 Staying
> Stable with FreeBSD' 

I read that before asking. It seems a bit
outdated ("7-STABLE") and it is full of warnings.
Actually i hardly feel ripe for makeworld.html

I will combine that with my endeavor to install
another FreeBSD from scratch.

>  Or maybe burning apps should just invoke hal-disable-polling(1), I
>  suspect that's intended for these kind of things...

Interesting. I'll try to find out whether it
works. (Often hal stuff on Linux does not work.
The usual remedy is killall hald-addon-storage.)

First i'll have to learn how to get a X desktop.
Then i have to see whether hald does any harm.

Have a nice day :)


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