I'm trying to build the quietest smallest 4 or 6 drive FreeBSD 7
server to use at home for ZFS snapshotting. From the -fs list, it
sounds like my idea passes the sanity check. Next is looking for the
right hardware.

There is a local computer shop I'd prefer to buy things at -
www.enuinc.com, if people want to browse that and help me find the
best equipment for this I'd be much appreciated.

Basically it just needs space for 6 disks, ideally.
- Gigabit LAN (single is fine, dual isn't required)
- Onboard graphics
- Support at least 4GB RAM
- Quiet, small, and hopefully power efficient

Will be hosting ZFS RAIDZ with all 6 disks (or 5 disks, and one for
boot, or something since I think ZFS boot is not stable yet), with 15
filesystems to start and doing rsyncs every so often from remote
servers locally and then creating a snapshot (basically creating daily
snapshots every day for each server I maintain/backup)

here's the stuff i'm not that sure about:

mobo - http://www.enuinc.com/mb-775-asu-218.html
RAM - would it be better for 2x2GB or 4x1GB?
    here is the 2x2GB kit: http://www.enuinc.com/m-04g-066-sup-k2.html
    here is the 2x1GB kits (if the mobo changes and it has 4 slots,
I'd buy two): http://www.enuinc.com/m-02g-080-kin.html

this is up for debate, too, for something smaller and quieter if
possible. i love shuttles, but none of them can do maybe more than 4
disks that i know of...
chassis - http://www.enuinc.com/cas-antec-056.html

i'm sure of these:
optical - chapest dvdrom http://www.enuinc.com/o-cdrd-son-001-black.html
cpu - intel core2, whatever makes the most cost effective
disks - between 4-6 1TB seagates

Would this be good for a 95% dedicated to rsync+ZFS server?

I doubt I will use it for anything else. Every hour it would run an
rsync job, then snapshot it in ZFS. That's about it.

Thanks in advance...
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