underligast wrote:

I've tried:
CD: disk1 from 6.2, 7.0,
CD: bootonly from 7.0-stable, 8.0-current
Floppys: 7.0

They all end the same, cds with an infinite loop of numbers, floppys with
BTX Halted and a lot of numbers.

int=0000000d    err=00000000    efl=00010006    eip=000219b2
eax=000219ac    ebx=00000000    ecx=c0000080    edx=000587d8
esi=0003e007    edi=00000000    ebp=0008fcbc    esp=00099c88
cs=0008   ds=0010   es=0010   fs=0010   gs=0010   ss=0010
cs:eip=0f 32 0d 00 01 00 00 0f-30 0f 20 e0 83 c8 30 0f
       22 e0 b8 00 c0 03 00 0f-22 d8 0f 20 c0 0d 00 00
ss:esp=90 95 00 00 00 80 fc 00-00 90 fc 00 07 e0 03 00
       00 00 00 00 07 d0 03 00-00 00 00 00 cc 87 05 00
BTX halted

The only difference is when i boot from 7.0-STABLE-200804-i386-bootonly.iso,
or 8.0-CURRENT-200807-i386-bootonly.iso, then i see

BTX loader 1.00 BTX version is 1.02
Consoles: internal video/keyboard
BIOS CD is cd0
BIOS drive A: is disk0

Then it stops.
If i remove both the harddrives i can boot into the freebsd installer,
but as there are no drives, there is nowhere to install.

Did you clear the configuration of the RAID controller? Is there a way you can completely reset it? Can you blank the drives?

What i need to know is how to compile a different kernel, where do i find
drivers for the LSI 1030 SCSI-controller? What i see in the old kernel.conf
for freebsd 6.0 (or is it 6.2) contains
device          mpt             # LSI-Logic MPT-Fusion
device          mfi             # LSI MegaRAID SAS

Looking at the source, it seems LSI 1030 is supported by the mpt driver so it should work. Since you have problems with the boot loader, maybe it won't help to build another kernel.

A wild guess could be that there's something on the RAID volume that's keeping the boot loader from working. Maybe the partition table is wrong in a subtle way? If you can get the RAID array to work *after* you boot from a FreeBSD installation CD (i.e. boot the machine without the drives, add drives later), try clearing the first megabyte of the array (dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/yourdrive bs=1m count=1).

I have no idea what they are but SAS is serial attached sata isn't it? And
if they're uncommented it should mean that they're active and that they're
most likely actually already running in the kernel i'm trying to boot from
the installation cd? Can i get other drivers/modules or whatever they're

When i've compiled the new kernel, how do i transfer it to a cd so i can
boot the installation with it?

You need to create a bootable CD, at least. Google around, there are several tutorials.

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