On 11/10/2023 15:54, Jan Bramkamp wrote:
On 28.07.23 11:31, Thomas Niedermeier wrote:

I'm writing you about some issue I had while testing a Atom SoC Board.
It is equipped with the new generation Intel C5000 Parker Ridge series.
In this specific case the Intel Atom Processor C5315.

A long shot but I had similar weirdness with a number of Celeron based micro-servers. They just stopped mysteriously during the boot if there was a keyboard plugged in to the USB - and IIRC - any other USB device. This was, I think, on just one hub. The workaround was to unplug everything, boot, and then plug it back in.

Old hardware. Old version of FreeBSD. Never found the exact cause. But worth a try?

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