
I am doing some simple tests in a specific enviroment where layer2 filtering and dummynet will work together. There is a complex set of FW rules, which showed a behaviour where, whenever I turn layer2 filtering on, dummynet configured pipes get the configured BW reduced by half. To check it out I reduced the production ruleset into a few, simple and clear set of rules in a testing enviroment.

The current rules are:

layer2() {
        ipfw add skipto 400 all from any to any mac-type ip,arp layer2
        ipfw add deny all from any to any layer2

countlog() {
        ipfw add 400 count log all from any to any in
        ipfw add 401 count log all from any to any out

pipe() {
        ipfw add pipe 1 all from any to in
        ipfw add pipe 2 all from to any out
        ipfw pipe 1 config bw 64Kbps queue 5
        ipfw pipe 2 config bw 64Kbps queue 5

Very simple, nothing special.
FYI, one_pass feature for ipfw is '1' (default).

When net.link.ether.ipfw=0, dummynet works perfectly. The piped IP address can only up/down at the configured speed. But when I turn net.link.ether.ipfw=1 the maximum speedk gets reduced exactly by half, just like if I had pipes configured at 32Kbps.

I have tested even without any layer2 rule loaded. The behaviour is just the same.

I am not sure what might be causing this weird behaviour. Is there any thing that should be tunned up? Any ideas on why it happens, and how to deal with it instead of configuring bw by 2 to get the desired speed? If there is a logical reason for that which I ignore, there is no problem in * it by 2, but I would like to hear about it, technically, which is the reason.

And specially, if it something I am doing wrong, I would appreciate if someone could point it out.

Thank you a lot :-)

Patrick Tracanelli

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