I could not understand Joao's statement, so I tend to disagree that there is no layer2 traffic flowing on a NAT box. Makes no sense to me. I am sure it is possible to do all 2 sub-layer layer 2 filtering (MAC and LLC).

So I have just tried what you are willing to get working Lubomir, right now in the network I am.

My current enviroment is the simplest the possible:

[ network ] <=> [ switch ] <=> [FreeBSD] <=> [Internet]

My external interface is vr0
My internal one is xl0

I have just allowed two stations to go to the DIVERT (natd) rules by using skipto approach, and all other machines are not skipped, so they tend to match an intermediary rule which does deny all traffic based on layer2. I kept only the relevant rules so it gets very clear to understand:

# ipfw show
00300 688 62538 skipto 1000 ip from any to any { MAC any 08:00:46:bd:da:a3 or MAC any 00:17:31:df:bc:ab } layer2 00310 637 84252 skipto 1000 ip from any to any { MAC 08:00:46:bd:da:a3 any or MAC 00:17:31:df:bc:ab any } layer2 00500 468 30071 deny log logamount 100 ip from any to any MAC any any layer2 via xl0
01000   527   50710 divert 8668 ip from to any out via vr0
01100   556   68585 divert 8668 ip from any to me in via vr0
65535 14642 1214437 allow ip from any to any

In case ipfw list may be clearer:

# ipfw list
00300 skipto 1000 ip from any to any { MAC any 08:00:46:bd:da:a3 or MAC any 00:17:31:df:bc:ab } layer2 00310 skipto 1000 ip from any to any { MAC 08:00:46:bd:da:a3 any or MAC 00:17:31:df:bc:ab any } layer2
00500 deny log logamount 100 ip from any to any MAC any any layer2 via xl0
01000 divert 8668 ip from to any out via vr0
01100 divert 8668 ip from any to me in via vr0
65535 allow ip from any to any

Some relevant information: I am doing selective divert based on my network, on vr0 (external interface) while explicitly denying all layer2 traffic based on mac, on rule 500, only on xl0 (internal network), because if I do it on all networks or on vr0, I will certainy deny my own outgoing packets.

So it worked perfectly, and right now while I send this message only the two MAC addresses are allowed to get diverted to natd (and go to internet).

As you can see, some traficc is still hitting rule # 500, so I want to know what it is:

# grep 500 /var/log/security | tail -5
Apr 22 19:54:32 HomerSimpson kernel: ipfw: 500 Deny UDP out via xl0
Apr 22 19:54:33 HomerSimpson kernel: ipfw: 500 Deny MAC in via xl0
Apr 22 19:54:36 HomerSimpson kernel: ipfw: 500 Deny UDP out via xl0
Apr 22 19:54:37 HomerSimpson kernel: ipfw: 500 Deny MAC in via xl0
Apr 22 19:54:50 HomerSimpson kernel: ipfw: limit 100 reached on entry 500

So, it is IP, which for sure has a different MAC address:

# arp
? ( at 00:12:17:fb:ee:e7 on xl0 [ethernet]

You also said you wanted allow other stations to talk to the gateway, what in the above examples, I am not allowing, so for example if I add rule 400 like this:

# ipfw add 400 allow all from to me via xl0 not layer2 keep-state
00400 allow ip from to me via xl0 not layer2 keep-state

I am certainly allowing any station on 10.69/16 network, regardless of its IP address (unless it is on 10.69/16 network) or MAC address (since I am not filtering on layer2):

# ipfw show
00300 2544 519800 skipto 1000 ip from any to any { MAC any 08:00:46:bd:da:a3 or MAC any 00:17:31:df:bc:ab } layer2 00310 2415 601710 skipto 1000 ip from any to any { MAC 08:00:46:bd:da:a3 any or MAC 00:17:31:df:bc:ab any } layer2 00400 29 2548 allow ip from to me via xl0 not layer2 keep-state 00500 1236 65813 deny log logamount 100 ip from any to any MAC any any layer2 via xl0
01000  1904  469946 divert 8668 ip from to any out via vr0
01100  2049  525859 divert 8668 ip from any to me in via vr0
65535 42049 5911000 allow ip from any to any

Since ipfw is a first-match-based firewall you don't need to worry about this "allow from any to any" rule, because the hosts which get to this rule certainly were not skipped on the later rules, so they simply never get diverted, because they match on this "allow" and divert rules happens AFTER the allow.

Lets see who is matching rule # 400 (which is a keep-state rule, so it is generating dynamic state rules):

## Dynamic rules (2):
00400     1     100 (1s) STATE tcp 59235 <-> 22
00400     0       0 (0s) STATE udp 59577 <-> 53

Both and are "me" (the firewall itself). So just perfect, anyone can freely go through the private network, in the above dynamic we see an ssh session and an expired DNS query to the firewall which for sure is also the DNS server for the network).

Last thing, remember to enabled ethernet filtering on IPFW:

sysctl -w net.link.ether.ipfw=1

If not, no layer2 filtering will be processed at all.

Also, when doing layer2 filtering, remember that the default IPFW behavior is to filter layer3 and above layers, but when you set net.link.ether.ipfw to true, it does layer2 and above, so all traffic going via ether_demux() and ether_output_frame() gets filtered.

But the thing is that on the IP stack - /sys/net/if_ethersubr.c (where ether_demux() and ether_output_frame() happen) - layer2 traffic happen before the upper layers. So when doing ipfw layer firewall remember:

- layer2 rules will get processed first
- non layer specified rules will get processed two times, on layer2 and upper layers
- not layer2 (meaning all upper layers) will get processed only later

Hope this working example is a good start poing for your setup.

Lubomir Georgiev escreveu:
 Thanks for the response but I have to disagree with you - I have read the
responses time and time again with great attention, but to no avail. From
what you said I understand that in order to utilize MAC address filtering I
would need a managed switch or another box aside from the one that will be
performing the NATing - is that right? Are you sure that there's no way to
combine MAC filtering with NAT in a single box?

 Just to make things clear I'll give an example of what I want to do - I
want a machine with say MAC-a to have internet connectivity regardless of
its IP address - that is I can assign to it any of the
192.168.1.Xaddresses. But if a machine with say MAC-b comes into the
network and tries
any IP I want it to be excluded from the NATd  rule but still have
connectivity with the FreeBSD box - so that I can open up a terminal and add
it to the rulelist if I want Inet connectivity on that machine.

P.S. I have heard of another way of filtering which uses the ARP tables -
any comments on that? The thing that I don't think I'll be able to
accomplish with the ARP tables is to use any of the 192.168.1.X IP

Once again thanks for all your help and I hope we can reach the final
conclusion of this problem.

Patrick Tracanelli

FreeBSD Brasil LTDA.
(31) 3281-9633 / 3281-3547
"Long live Hanin Elias, Kim Deal!"

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