OK - So I guess we might have a problem...

bogoqho# uname -a
FreeBSD bogoqho.com 6.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE #

 I'm currently thinking about using the deny approach you initially
recommended. I'll just add an allow rule via the internal iface which will
still allow me to ssh in and if everything else is OK then I guess that will
be it. I'll check back shortly - in the mean time if you have any
suggestions, feel free.


>   Thanks for everyone's continuing attempts to help!
>   OK so I tried putting in the ruleset which you provided - and I hit a
> rock
> very early in the run. IPFW returns that it doesn't understand the tag
> option.
>   ipfw add 501 skipto 1400 tag 1 log logamount 0 ip from any to any
> via $ifi
>   Does this sound familiar? What should I do?

tag/tagged features were commited somewhere in time between 6.1-STABLE and
6.2-RELEASE, if I remember well. So the first release to have it is 6.2-R;

csup to RELENG_6 branch to get the latest -STABLE;

mEsS wItH tHe bEsT
dIE liKe tHe rESt
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