Dan Johnson wrote:
On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 12:01 AM, Julian Elischer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

Dan Johnson wrote:

After beating my head against this for days I ran out of places to look
information, and almost sent this as a help request instead of an
observation. So excuse the present tense.

All I am actually trying to accomplish is a simple (This worked flawless
last i tried under 4.5) squid transparent proxy.

so, what revision are you trying to do this on?
I think in 6.1 it was disabled without an extra option. (see in LINT)

7.0-Release.  In my research I'd found that in 6 and I believe some point in
5.x  the option IPFIREWALL_FORWARD_EXTENDED was needed for this
configuration, but apparently it was switched back for 7.

yeah that was me switching it back.. the whole feature is kinds useless without being able to do that..
man ssh

 I'm using this rule before the nat rule:
00100 fwd,3128 log ip from any to any 80 out

When I attempt to hit port 80 on an external server, the security log
the rule was processed, and claims it was forwarded to,3128. OK

Watching tcpdump -nnvvei lo0 shows no relevant activity. BUT, watching
tcpdump -nnvvei xl1 (external iface) shows the port 80 SYN being sent to
remote web server with the original source ip address from
still using the destination MAC of my default gateway. This is with or
without the squid daemon running. And when i do have it running i have it
the local console with debugging enabled (incase a stray packet actually
makes it in.)

that sounds a bit like the problem I mention above...
however, sending it to doesn't mean it goes through lo0 so
you'll never see it there.

The same holds true if i setup the fwd to my xl1 interface ip address, or
another host ex

Running tcpdump (Linux) eth0 in promisc on also doesn't show
any traffic being forwarded its way when configured to do so. So I'm
inclined to beleive this isn't just an error on tcpdumps part (as there is
an open issue reported with tcpdump and ipfw fwd) but that the traffic
really isn't being modified.

The only thing I was doing that is unique is I recompiled the ipfw module
include -DIPFIREWALL_NAT and -DIPFIREWALL_FORWARD instead of adding the
whole mess to the base kernel.

ah that will fail because the IPFIREWALL_FORWARD option has to change
things in teh tcp and Ip code too.

Thats what I figured might have been the case, odd that there were no errors
logged in the firewall logs though.

After noting that I was using a module, I said screw it, and compiled IPFW
into the base kernel, viola now it works fine.

yeah the whole ip stack need to be compiled with those options..

Hopefully next person with this issue wont bang their head on the wall as
long once this thread is indexed. :)

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