On Sat, 28 Apr 2012 23:18:00 +0900 (JST), Hiroki Sato wrote:

 >  A revised patch is attached.  The lock around log_if should be fixed
 >  and ipfw(8) manual page is updated.  Also, an rc.conf(5) variable
 >  $firewall_logif is added to create ipfw0 interface at boot time (NO
 >  by default).
 >  Any comments are welcome.  Thank you.

Only wee nits on form, not function ..

+       if checkyesno firewall_logif; then
+               echo 'Firewall logging pseudo-interface (ipfw0) created.'
+               ifconfig ipfw0 create
+       fi

Strictly, the echo should follow ifconfig success - how picky is that!

+++ etc/defaults/rc.conf        (working copy)
+firewall_logif="NO"            # Set to YES to create logging-pseudo interface

'logging pseudo-interface'

And firewall_logif needs adding to rc.conf(5)?

cheers, Ian
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