I have been using IPFW FWD to do per-interface routing on a VM instance. The 
default gateway is on interface vtnet0, but there is a second interface, 
vtnet1, on a different network with its own public IP address. The second 
network has its own gateway, which I'd like to use for responses to connections 
coming on on vtnet1. Under 9.2, the below worked fine:

fwd ${GW2} ip from ${PUBIP2} to not table(120) out via vtnet0

Table 120 contains all the local networks for which I don't want the rule to 

I updated the VM to 10.0-RELEASE, with no changes to the IPFW rules or network 
configuration. The forwarding to the secondary router no longer works. Traffic 
comes in on ${PUBIP2} fine, and the counter for the IPFW rule increments, but 
no packets are actually sent out vtnet1. Instead, it's trying to do a weird ARP 

# tcpdump -n -p -i vtnet1
16:46:33.146324 IP ${OUTSIDE_IP}.55063 > ${PUBIP2}.22: Flags [S], seq 
2242981455, win 65535, options [mss 1460,nop,wscale 4,nop,nop,TS val 1978614336 
ecr 0,sackOK,eol], length 0
16:46:33.146372 ARP, Request who-has ${GW1} tell ${PUBIP2}, length 28

If I try to SSH from an outside IP to the public IP on vtnet1, a response never 
goes out either interface (vtnet0 or vtnet1). Instead, an ARP query is going 
out (on vtnet1) looking for the default gateway IP, which is only reachable on 

On the off chance this is not a bug, is there a better way I should be doing 
per-interface routing under FreeBSD 10? If it is a bug, can anyone suggest what 
might be going on here and how to track it down further?



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