> Am 27.07.2016 um 12:31 schrieb Julian Elischer <jul...@freebsd.org>:
> On 27/07/2016 9:36 PM, Dr. Rolf Jansen wrote:
>>> Am 26.07.2016 um 23:03 schrieb Julian Elischer <jul...@freebsd.org>:
>>> On 27/07/2016 3:06 AM, Dr. Rolf Jansen wrote:
>>>> There is another tool called geoip , that I uploaded to GitHub, and that I 
>>>> use for looking up country codes by IP addresses on the command line.
>>>>     https://github.com/cyclaero/ipdb/blob/master/geoip.c
>>>> This one could easily be extended to produce sorted IP ranges per CC that 
>>>> could be fed into tables of ipfw. I am thinking of adding a command line 
>>>> option for specifying CC's for which the IP ranges should be exported, 
>>>> something like:
>>>>    geoip -e DE:BR:US:IT:FR:ES
>>>> And this could print sorted IP-Ranges belonging to the listed countries. 
>>>> For this purpose, what would be the ideal format for directly feeding the 
>>>> produced output into ipfw tables?
>>> The format for using tables directly is the same as that used for routing 
>>> tables.
>>> …
>>> table 5 add 1000
>>> …
>>> your application becomes an application for configuring the firewall.
>>> (which you do by feeding commands down a pipe to ipfw, which is started as 
>>> 'ipfw -q /dev/stdin')
>> I finished adding a second usage form for the geoip tool, namely generation 
>> of ipfw table construction directives filtered by country codes.
> wow, wonderful!
> with that tool, and ipfw tables we have a fully functional geo 
> blocking/munging solution in about 4 lines of shell script.

Unfortunately, I finally discovered that ipfw tables as they are, are 
unsuitable for the given purpose, because for some reason ipfw mangles about 20 
% of the passed IP address/masklen pairs.

For example:

# ipfw table 1 add
# ipfw table 1 list
--> 0

$ geoip
--> in in BR

$ geoip
--> in in AR

Effectively, I asked ipfw to add an IP-range of Brazil to table 1, but it 
actually added another one which belongs to Argentina. This doesn't make too 
much sense, does it?

For the time being I switched my servers back to geo-blocking with the divert 
filter daemon.

Best regards


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