Hi there,

Possibly this questions pops up regularly.  I have tried to find the answer 
myself and have been unable to so far.

My current way to drastically slow-down ssh brute force attacks is by using the 
pf feature "max-src-conn-rate" with an argument of 5/60 meaning only 5 syn 
packets are allowed per source IP to my ssh port per minute.  The rest get 
dropped.  This works both for IPv4 and IPv6.  I typically don't login more then 
5 times per minute to my hosts.

I have tried several ways to get the same behaviour using ipfw and dummynet.  
But when combining the rules with keep-state I don't get to the point where I 
get wire-speed ssh connections for those that make it while keeping the number 
of new connections per source IP at a very low number (a few per minute).

Is there an equivalent in ipfw for the pf feature max-src-conn-rate?

Thank you very much in advance, please keep cc'ing me as I have not subscribed 
to the ipfw list yet.


Marco van Tol
freebsd-ipfw@freebsd.org mailing list
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