
I'm using ipfw firewall on several machines. Rules are made by users by
hand or by configuration management tools.

For this the ipfw.rules script sources other files:


ipfw -q -f flush
cmd="ipfw -q add"
pif="epair0b"     # interface name of NIC attached to Internet
$cmd 00010 allow all from any to any via lo0
for RULES in `ls  /etc/ipfw.rules.d/*.rules` ; do
  . $RULES
$cmd 09999 deny log all from any to any

If a user or a script alters a file, `service ipfw restart` is called.
This is working fine except one thing. Active connections like sql,
syslog, ssh, etc. get broken. They are defined like

$cmd 01610 allow tcp from vpn.example.org to me 22 in via $pif setup limit 
src-addr 50

I understand, that this connections get broken because the dynamic 
rules get flushed with the `ipfw -q -f flush` command. But commenting 
this command out results in a continuously growing rules table.

With the `ipfw -d list` command I can see the dynamic rules. 
Is there a way to flush the rules but not the dynamic ones?
Or to add them again after flush?

How do you reload your rules?

Thanks for help

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